I recently had the opportunity to meet a wonderful woman of God. She is so soft-spoken and gentle in nature, but the power of the Spirit of God rests upon her and it was a great honor to meet and to speak with her in person. I had heard her name and knew that she was doing a good work, but I had not heard her personal testimony until she spoke at a recent women’s gathering I attended in Orlando, Florida.

Beth shared at the luncheon that she and her first husband had graduated from bible college and were working together in the ministry and things were going well. It had been a few years, and they began to sense that God was stirring them, but didn’t know what would be ahead. So, they both decided to get deeper into the Word of God and the things of the Lord in their personal prayer and devotion time.

One day, while Beth was at their apartment, her husband had left for work. Then there was a knock at the door and it was the police. They said, “your husband has been in an accident, we need you to come to the hospital.” By the time she got to the hospital, the medical personnel called her into a consultation room and said, “your husband has passed away.”

Beth said the first thing that she spoke, was “thank you, Lord.” Because, just a few weeks prior, she was sitting at her piano in their apartment having a time of devotion, and was singing the well-known song, “I have decided to follow Jesus.” She was going to finish and get up from the piano, but she said she felt the Holy Spirit speak to her and nudge her to stay, and said, “Beth, you sang the first verse, but can you sing the second verse. . . “though none go with me, still I will follow.” She stayed and sang that verse too, and it was at that time, she says that she turned a corner in her walk with the Lord. She realized that the Lord had been preparing her for what she was now facing, and she was grateful to God for preparing her.

As a 25-year-old widow, she said that one marriage had been enough for her. But after the funeral, her father-n-law and mother-n-law, along with her parents, came to her apartment to have a meal. Her father-n-law spoke a prophetic word of faith over her, and said, “Beth, I can’t wait to see what God will do in your life.”Later on, on a vacation with them, her mother-n-law also spoke a prophetic word of faith, and said, “Beth you’re too young not to have a social life, and keep on living.” Today, she is married to David Grant, when she realized that he was a gift. She wasn’t sure, but she said, “When someone is promising to love you and take care of you, it’s a gift.” They have two daughters now and their daughters are married with children. Beth and David work with PROJECT RESCUE, helping young women find safety and shelter in the Red Light districts of India, a ministry they started, and still operate to the glory of God.

Article Written by: Debbie Harper, Ph.D.

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