There is no monetary value that can surpass the significance of what is actually given when we give a gift.
Selecting and presenting gifts that will be perfect for each person takes love to a different level.
We give, among other things:
1) Cheer
When the Christmas season presents us with opportunities to give, we give cheer with every thoughtful gift of generosity, and pronounce to each receiver, a hardy, sincere, and cheerful “Merry Christmas,” greeting!
2) Time
When we plan, purchase, wrap, package, and present our gifts, we give time to each person, and demonstrate to them their significance and value. The time we spend with them in mind, let’s them know that we appreciate them, and that they are worthy of our consideration.
3) Ourselves
With each gift we give, we give a gift of ourselves; what we like, who we are, what we value, what we perceive to be important in a person’s life, what we consider to be useful, or in style. We give what we believe in, what we hold in high esteem, what we regard as quality, we give a part of ourselves.
When we give with all these things and more, we give “with” love, not “for” love, not expecting anything in return for our giving; not recognition, not admiration, praise, or affection; and when our love is pure, our hearts are pure, and our giving is pure! And that’s a gift that blesses!
Merry Christmas, and Happy Giving!
Article Written by: Debbie Harper, Ph.D.